Categories: 3 pruning group, pink clematis, large-flowered, winter-hardy
The clematis variety ‘Hagley Hybrid’ was obtained by British florist Percy Picton in 1945. At one time Percy Picton was the head horticulturist of Hagley Hall, a very famous architectural monument in Britain, actually a mansion and garden attached to it. It is likely that this variety was obtained there.
In the USA, Hagley Hybrid clematis is sold under the name PINK CHIFFON.
Cultivar Characteristics
Group | Late large-flowered clematis |
Pruning group | 3 (strong pruning) |
Height | 200…300 cm |
Flowers | large, flat, with 4-6 oval-shaped sepals |
Flower coloration | pink-lilac, stamens with dark red anthers |
Blooming | from July until the cold weather |
USDA Zones | 4-9 |
Clematis ‘Hagley Hybrid’ description
Clematis ‘Hagley Hybrid’ usually grows up to 3 meters high in regions with long warm summers, and some flower growers, for example, in the Ryazan region, barely gain 200 cm during the season. Leaves… I can’t say much about them. Ordinary solid leaves like most large-flowered clematis. Except that, maybe, they are a little lighter.

‘Hagley Hybrid’ blooms on the current year’s shoots from early August until cold. If well cared for, the blooms are very abundant, and the leaves are almost invisible behind the flowers. The flowers are large, 10…15 cm across, with 4-6 sepals. Sepals are oval or egg-shaped with pointed tip and slightly wavy edge, sepal length – 6…10 cm, width – 3.5…5 cm. Coloration of sepals is pink with a faint tinge of lilac, sometimes lilac with a faint tinge of pink. The anthers are purplish-red or red-brown, stamen filaments are light-colored.
Clematis ‘Hagley Hybrid’ planting and care
Choosing a place for planting
It is best to choose a spot that is well-lit most of the day but slightly shaded at midday, because Clematis ‘Hagley Hybrid’ tends to burn out.
The best soil is light, well-cultivated, with a high humus content. Clematis grow very poorly on heavy loams without air, but such soil can be improved by adding a lot of organic matter and a little sand. In principle, clematis can grow well in soil of any acidity from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline, but the best option is slightly alkaline, because in them soil fungi that cause clematis wilt grow worse.
Timing of planting
The best time for planting is early fall, when the soil becomes cooler, in such soil the root system develops well. It can also be planted in early spring before intensive growth begins. In late spring and summer, only transplanting is allowed.
Preparing the planting pit
It is better to prepare the pit in advance, the size of the pit – 50x50x50 cm. Fill it with extracted soil mixed with compost or humus. It is also worth adding a few spoons of superphosphate.
Can clematis be buried when planting?
It can be buried to the height of the woody part of the stem.
Care of Clematis ‘Hagley Hybrid’
Carefully loosen the soil to a minimum depth.
Watering in prolonged drought is infrequent but plentiful – about a bucket of water for an adult plant and half a bucket for a young plant.
Fertilization since the second year: in spring at the beginning of the vegetation of organics, 10 grams of nitrogen, 5 grams of phosphorus and potassium, in July, 5 grams of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, in mid-August, 5 grams of phosphorus and potassium per plant under the root. Macro and micronutrients can be made with 1 and 2 fertilizer.
Clematis clings to the support quite well with its leaf petioles, but if you want it to grow as it should and not as it wants, you should tie it up.
How to prune clematis “Hagley Hybrid”
The pruning group of Hagley Hybrid clematis is the third, in autumn the clematis is cut back to a height of 5…20 cm above a pair of developed buds and the rest of the shoot is covered for winter. This clematis almost always winters well.
- Wyoming: “Hagley Hybrid” has been growing in an open sunny place for 5 or 6 years, sometimes a little burned out, but never to white.
- Nebraska, near the Omaha: in rather dense shade clematis grew, but mellows. After transplanting to a sunnier place, the flowers became larger, and the year itself began to grow better. Winters without problems.
- New Jersey: a good clematis, but for some reason it is Hegley Hybrid almost does not branch, from the ground stretches two shoots and that’s it.
- New York: grows well, burns out a little, but there are no problems with wintering.
- Minnesota: since Hagley Hybrid is a clematis of 3 pruning groups, it is very easy to keep, grows for many years and every time blooms perfectly, but a little late, from August.
- north of Seattle: one of the most problem-free clematis, does not freeze, does not get wet, so far there have been no problems with wilt.
- Portland,OR: clematis Hagley Hybrid planted from a very weak rooted cuttings in 2021 and in the current year developed very slowly, the only bud was cut off so that the plant did not waste resources on flowering.
If you too have grown this clematis, please leave your feedback in the comments of this article.
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