clematis 1 pruning group

Clematis varieties of pruning group 1

This section presents a list of clematis varieties of the 1 pruning group with photos and names, that is, those that do not need to be pruned at all. These are mostly frost-resistant clematis, blooming on shoots of the previous year, as well as different varieties of Clematis armandii.

Albina Plena

Clematis Albina PlenaA Swedish variety obtained by crossing Clematis faureri and Clematis sibirica. Blooms early, from the end of April to the end of May. Winter-resistant, highly decorative and rather unpretentious variety.

  • Height – 9.8-13.1 feet (3-4 m)
  • Flowers – 2.4…3.1 inches (6…8 cm) in diameter, double-petaled, with white petals and yellow stamens
  • USDA zone – 3-9


Clematis Albiflora Albiflora is an old but rare variety of clematis alpine. It is very winter-hardy and unpretentious, and can grow against a northern wall or in a container. The flowers are characteristic for clematis alpine form, but completely white. The first bloom is abundant, the second bloom is modest but long-lasting.

  • Height: up to 9.8 feet (up to 3 meters)
  • Flowers: small, with long sepals, white in color
  • Blooming: April-May, repeats from August until frost
  • USDA zone: 3-9

Advent Bells

Advent Bells Clematis This is a variety of evergreen clematis mustache, it is very non-winter hardy and therefore only suitable for growing in states with warm winters. Otherwise it is a very interesting and ornamental variety.

  • Height: up to 16.4 feet (up to 5 meters)
  • Flowers: small, cream-colored with red spots
  • Blooming: November-January
  • USDA Zone: 7-9


Clematis Anita
‘Anita’ is a variety of clematis obtained as a result of crossing Clemati tangutica and subspecies of Clematis potaninii. It is very similar to the usual Tangut clematis, but its flowers are white.

  • Pruning group: 2 (light pruning)
  • Height: 6.6 to 16.4 feet (2-5 m)
  • Flowers: Double, with a diameter of 1.2 to 1.6 inches (3-4 cm), white
  • USDA Zone: 3-9

Clematis armandii ‘Snowdrift’

Clematis armandii 'Snowdrift'Like all Armand’s clematis varieties, ‘Snowdrift’ is heat-loving and cannot tolerate hard frosts. This makes its cultivation quite difficult in some northern states of the USA. ‘Snowdrift’ is characterized by very early flowering – usually from late March to May. The flowers are fragrant, with petals not very typical for clematis.

  • Height: 9.8-16.4 feet (3-5 meters)
  • Flowers: diameter of 1.97-2.36 inches, with white sepals and yellow stamens (5-6 cm)
  • USDA Zone: 7-9

Ballet Skirt

Clematis Ballet Skirt 1 pruning group‘Ballet Skirt’ is a very ornamental variety of clematis of the 1st pruning group. Blooms in spring on the shoots of the previous year, a small number of flowers also appear on the shoots of the current year. Can be used for growing in containers and as a ground cover.

  • Height: 4.9-6.6 feet (1.5-2 meters)
  • Flowers: diameter of 1.97-2.36 inches, with light-pink sepals and light-yellow stamens (5-6 cm)
  • USDA Zone: 3-9

Blue Surprise

Clematis Blue SurpriseThis is a brand new variety of clematis, judging by the photo – absolutely stunning. It is winter hardy and the flowers are relatively small. One of several varieties in the Suprise series.

  • Pruning Group: 1 (no pruning)
  • Height: up to 9.8 feet (up to 3 meters)
  • Flowers: medium-sized, up to 2.76 inches in diameter, semi-double, lilac-blue (up to 7 cm)
  • USDA Zone: 3-9


Clematis ColumellaClematis variety from the Atragene group. Frost-resistant, unpretentious, can be grown against a northern wall, in containers or as a groundcover plant. Blooms in April and May. Has very unusual bell-shaped flowers and decorative copulas, which remain on the plant until deep autumn.

  • Height: 6.6-9.8 feet (2-3 meters)
  • Flowers: 1.97-2.36 inches in diameter, with fringed pink-purple sepals and light-yellow stamens (5-6 cm)
  • USDA Zone: 3-9


Clematis Constance‘Constance’ is another variety of clematis from the Atragene group. It is distinguished by early and abundant spring flowering – it blooms in April and blooms until the end of May. Repeated, less abundant flowering falls on July-August. The relatively short length of the stems allows it to be used for decorating low supports, planted next to small coniferous trees.

  • Height: 6.6 feet (2 meters)
  • Flowers: 1.57-2.36 inches in diameter, with pink-purple sepals and light-yellow stamens (4-6 cm)
  • USDA Zone: 3-9

Pink Swing

Clematis Pink SwingPink Swing is a rare beauty clematis with terry pink flowers, very winter-hardy, does not require pruning. The variety is not very widespread yet, but it is quite realistic to buy it in the USA.

  • Pruning Group: 1 (no pruning)
  • Height: Up to 9.8 feet (3 meters)
  • Flowers: Medium to large size, up to 4.72 inches in diameter, double, in delicate pink or yellowish-pink shades (up to 12 cm)
  • USDA Zone: 3-9


Clematis CecileClematis Cecile is an early-flowering, very frost-resistant and unpretentious variety with semi-marginal flowers. Undeservedly rare in the USA, it is an excellent clematis for the northern states. Blooms usually in April-May, with good care is very abundant. It is also suitable for planting against the north wall, even in states with cold winters.

  • Height: 6.6-9.8 feet (2-3m)
  • Flowers: Semi-double, 1.97-2.36 inches in diameter, with violet-blue sepals and light-green stamens (5-6 cm)
  • USDA Zone: 3-9

Frances Rivis

Clematis Frances RivisFrancis Reeves is a little-known variety of clematis of the 1st pruning group. It is distinguished by early, abundant and long flowering – in years with warm spring it blooms from April to June. Low-demanding to growing conditions, resistant to diseases and very decorative. Unfortunately, it is rarely available for sale.

  • Height: 6.6-9.8 feet (2-3m)
  • Flowers: Double, 1.57-2.36 inches in diameter, violet-blue with a white center (4-6 cm)
  • USDA Zone: 3-9


Clematis FrankieA fairly typical clematis variety from the Atragene group. Small blue-purple flowers, abundant blooming in spring and less abundant in summer. Winter-hardy and unpretentious variety, can be used as a ground cover.

  • Height: 6.6 feet (2m)
  • Flowers: Semi-double, 1.57-2.36 inches in diameter, blue-violet with a white center (4-6 cm)
  • USDA Zone: 3-9

About the author

Fedor Fironov
Graduate of Plant Protection Faculty at GSAU. Main area of interest – clematis, peonies and perennials of Lamiaceae .

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