When we talk about fertilizing clematis in May, first of all we should take into account the time of the beginning of vegetation. In some regions May is almost summer, while in others it is actually only the very beginning of spring. Therefore, the rules of feeding clematis in May depend on what state the plant is in at this time.
Fertilizing clematis in May in regions with a long cold winter
Regions with a long cold winter are Canada, as well as the northern states of the United States – Michigan, both Dakotas, Wisconsin, Minnesota and others. So, if at the beginning of May you have just started vegetation and clematis begin to build up green mass, you should feed them:
- organics
- a full complex of fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen;
- organics.
Organic fertilizers
Here you can not hesitate. If you have quality humus or compost, you can put 10 kg under adult plants at once, and 5 kg under young plants
You don’t have to put this humus or compost deep into the soil, because you will surely damage the roots of the clematis.
Simply spread it around the plant so that it does not touch the stems, you can cover it lightly with soil. Over time, after the rains, this compost or humus will settle, the organic matter will mix with the soil and you will have a very good quality soil. Such fertilizing improves the soil in all respects. However, it is important to make sure that the compost or humus does not contract with the stems of clematis, especially if they are not woody in the lower part, because there are always soil fungi in the organic matter, including pathogenic fungi.
Mineral fertilizers
The rate of application depends on the age of the plants. To feed an adult plant with a large number of stems in the soil, it is necessary to introduce about 10 g of nitrogen, 5 g of phosphorus and 5 g of potassium by active substance. Which complex or non-complex fertilizer to choose depends on what you have. This is not important.
At the beginning of the growing season it is better to use a fertilizer with more nitrogen than phosphorus and potassium. This is necessary for the plant to build up green mass intensively at the beginning of the growing season.
Regions with short winters
If May is already almost summer (most countries in Europe and most states in the USA), then many varieties of clematis of the 2nd pruning group have already started budding, and sometimes flowering. Therefore, and feed the plants should be based on the fact that the first fertilization with organic matter and predominance of nitrogen you have already had in April, and in some regions even in early March. Consequently, in May we need to feed clematis with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in approximately equal proportions – 5 grams per adult plant and a little less for young plants. We bring them usually in the form of a solution, just watering into the root zone.
In addition, micronutrient fertilization by root or by leaf is highly desirable. If you use a complex fertilizer that includes macro- and microelements under the root, the question is solved. If not, it is worth a couple of times during May to conduct foliar feeding with a solution of micro- and macronutrients. Such a solution can be prepared independently (now in garden stores, almost all mineral salts are sold in small bags with the indication of dosages) or you can immediately take a complex fertilizer. They are also sold. What to do in your case, it is up to you.
When to spray, it is not so important, but it is better to do it in the evening in warm, cloudy and windless weather. If it is not, spray whenever possible.
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