About planting dates
In general, planting clematis in spring in the open ground is not a bad idea, although it is better to do it in the fall, because when the air becomes colder and the soil temperature decreases, the clematis actively develops its root system, which is necessary for successful wintering. However, I perfectly understand that many flower growers have a desire to plant something in the spring: so let’s talk about spring planting of clematis. How to do it so that the plant grows quickly? And it will also be great if the clematis in the first year to please the first flowers, confirming its variety.
In general, the earlier you plant clematis, the better, but it is worth taking into account two important considerations
- Optimal soil temperature for the development of clematis roots – from 18 to 20 degrees. In nothern states of USA, the soil warms up to this temperature quite late. In late April and early May, the soil is often still very cold, and the sun is already burning. Therefore, the roots of clematis grow poorly, and the above-ground part quickly starts to grow. As a result, the root system does not provide sufficient mineral nutrition and the plant sharply slows down in development.
- In many regions strong, up to -10 degrees, late frosts are possible, and they can destroy a freshly planted young clematis.
Thus, it is better to plant clematis later, around the same time as potatoes are planted in your area. For me, it is the first days of May, but it all depends on your region. It is not worth planting clematis too late: when transplanting and taking it out of the pot with cleaning the roots, you will traumatize the plant.
Preparing the planting hole and choosing a place for clematis
Depending on the variety, it is recommended to choose a southern, western or eastern exposure. If the clematis is prone to burn out in full sun (this is especially the case with varieties of clematis with pink flowers), it is better to choose the eastern or western side of the wall, because there it will suffer less from direct sunlight. You can also choose a site where the clematis will be slightly shaded at midday.
The northern side is not considered the best, although some frost-resistant varieties, in particular those of pruning group 3, feel and bloom well there. Do not plant clematis too close to the foundation wall, because in winter the foundation freezes to a certain depth, which can damage the roots of clematis. The distance from the foundation wall to the planting point should be at least 50 cm. This distance is also necessary so that you can make a proper planting hole.
Thus, it is better to plant clematis later, around the same time as potatoes are planted in your area. For me, it is the first days of May, but it all depends on your region. It is not worth planting clematis too late: when transplanting and taking it out of the pot with cleaning the roots, you will traumatize the plant.
Preparing the planting hole and choosing a place
Depending on the variety, it is recommended to choose a southern, western or eastern exposure. If the clematis is prone to burn out in full sun (this is especially the case with varieties of clematis with pink flowers), it is better to choose the eastern or western side of the wall, because there it will suffer less from direct sunlight. You can also choose a site where the clematis will be slightly shaded at midday.
The northern side is not considered the best, although some frost-resistant varieties, in particular those of pruning group 3, feel and bloom well there. Do not plant clematis too close to the foundation wall, because in winter the foundation freezes to a certain depth, which can damage the roots of clematis. The distance from the foundation wall to the planting point should be at least 50 cm. This distance is also necessary so that you can make a proper planting hole.
In the southern states, cold weather is not a threat to clematis, but overheating of the root system and flower burnout can be a problem. In southern states, you should not plant clematis near a southern wall and especially close to a wall. The wall will overheat the soil, which is very harmful to the clematis root system. Additional protection against soil overheating can be provided by planting perennials or annuals next to clematis that have a shallow root system.
Preparing the planting hole for spring planting of clematis
I recommend preparing a good planting hole, as the growth rate of the plants depends on this. The optimum size of the hole is approximately 50 x 50 x 50 cm. In general, not every soil is suitable for successful clematis cultivation. Clematis grow well only on loose, highly fertile soil underlain by light soil. Cohesive loams or light loams are optimal for growing clematis. All clematis do not grow well on dense, puddling soils, heavy loams or swampy areas where there is a stagnation of moisture. In such conditions, the succulent roots of clematis are easily affected by soil fungi. The optimal pH for clematis depends on its variety, but in general, slightly alkaline soil is considered better than slightly acidic soil in terms of disease protection, as pathogenic fungi develop worse in it.
In general, however, clematis tolerate soil acidity of 5.5 to 7 perfectly well. Large-flowered clematis, such as Multi Blue or Multi Pink, prefer slightly acidic soil, but again the risks of wilt development must be taken into account.
So, the size of the hole is 50 x 50 x 50 x 50 cm or so. The hole should never be drained, especially if the soil is dense clay, because this will create a “tank” where water will accumulate and the roots of the clematis can rot.
The hole should be filled with a mixture of the soil that you removed from there, with the addition of humus or compost in a ratio of 1:1. If you have heavy soil, it can actually be improved by adding organic matter in large quantities, but not fresh manure. Also, when growing in dense loams, it is useful to add a small amount of coarse sand, but no more than 10% of the total volume. In addition, it is worth adding about 30 grams of superphosphate and potassium sulfate to the soil mixture. The exact correct rate of application is not established: therefore, it is not so important whether this simple or double superphosphate.
Planting the clematis
Carefully remove the clematis from the pot, unravel and spread the roots as far as possible so that they cover as much area as possible.
Wash the roots and inspect them: any rotten, diseased, blackened roots should be cut out. It is recommended to cover the cuts with ash. The roots as a whole should also be covered with a mixture of sand and ash to create a temporary barrier for pathogenic fungi. It is recommended to do the same with the stem, especially the lower part of the stem.
Clematis can only be buried when the lower part of the stem has become woody. In this case, you can bury it to the depth of the woody part by a few buds so that they start to grow underground. This way you will have a bushy plant at once. If you are planting a small annual in spring, which has just overwintered and has no woody lower part, you can’t bury it. So you will probably have a plant with one or two long stems in the first few years. This is not very beautiful, but there is no other option, by and large.
When planting at the bottom of the pit, it is necessary to pour a hill of prepared soil mixture and let the roots on it in different directions. Then the root system of the plant is carefully poured in and the soil is tamped down.
Care after planting clematis in spring
After planting clematis must necessarily be well watered. This is necessary not so much to provide it with moisture, but rather to ensure that the soil is tightly attached to the roots.
Further care depends on the growing conditions. In some cases, especially if the weather in spring is cold and unstable, and the clematis is young and weak, it is advisable to erect a shelter over it, but it is important not to “steam” the plant. A cover made of spunbond or other non-woven material is suitable: it will protect from temperature differences on the one hand, and from the bright midday sun on the other. However, this shelter should be opened from time to time, so that moisture does not stagnate inside, because the increased air humidity promotes the development of fungal blotches. Clematis blotches are not very dangerous for it, the only dangerous disease is wilt, but also blotches do not decorate clematis and do not help it to grow.
Fertilizing clematis after planting
I used to recommend not feeding clematis at all in the year of planting, but after some experimentation I changed my mind. A couple of weeks after planting, when it is starting to grow, it is advisable to give it a complex fertilizer with ammoniacal nitrogen at the rate of 5 grams of nitrogen per active ingredient or simply apply 5 grams of ammoniacal nitrogen (ammonium sulphate, ammonium nitrate, etc.) to the root zone when watering.
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