Red clematis varieties

Red clematis varieties

Clematis varieties with red flowers are the rarest. Strictly speaking, there are no pure red ones at all – they all go at least a little into wine, pink or violet. The closest to obtaining pure red color came the nursery clematis Raymond Evison with the variety “Rebecca”.


Clematis Abundance
‘Abundance’ is a very old French variety of clematis with wine-red or purple-pink flowers. It is a tall and fairly winter-hardy clematis with very abundant blooms.

  • Height – 8.2…13.1 feet (2.5…4 m)
  • Flowers – medium-sized, lavender-pink
  • USDA Hardiness Zones 4-9

Advent Bells

Advent Bells Clematis
This is a variety of the evergreen Clematis mustache, it is very non-winter hardy and therefore unsuitable for outdoor cultivation in the northern United States. It can only be grown in winter gardens.

  • Height: up to 16.4 feet (5 m)
  • Pruning Group: 1
  • Flowers: small, cream-colored with red spots
  • Blooming Period: November-January
  • USDA Hardiness Zones: 7-9


A very unusual variety of clematis from the Viticella group, obtained quite by accident. Flowers are small, but there are a lot of them. The variety is frost-resistant, unpretentious, quite resistant to wilting.

  • Height: up to 9.8 feet (3 m)
  • Flowers: small, with 4-6 red sepals and pink staminodes
  • Blooming Period: July-October
  • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-9


Clematis Alexandrit
This variety has a rare rich color of flowers and abundant blooming, but in the conditions of northern states such as Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin it winters poorly. Clematis ‘Alexandrit’ is suitable for regions with warmer winters, it will grow well in California.

  • Pruning Group: 2
  • Height: 8.2 to 9.8 feet (2.5 to 3 m)
  • Flowers: large, up to 5.5 inches (14 cm) in diameter, with 5-7 pink-red sepals
  • Blooming Period: May-June, repeat in August-September
  • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-9


Clematis Allanah
‘Allanah’ is a variety of New Zealand selection, by now one of the reddest on the Russian market. It winters well in Michigan and other northern U.S. states, but, unfortunately, does not bloom very abundantly.

  • Height: 6.6 to 9.8 feet (2 to 3 m)
  • Flowers: large, purple-red
  • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-9


Clematis Gizela
Clematis ‘Gisela’ is very low growing and not well known in the US. The flowers look similar to ‘Warszawska Nike’, but in many photos they are more purple.

  • Pruning Group: 3
  • Height: up to 3.3 feet (up to 1 meter)
  • Flowers: large, about 3.9 inches (about 10 cm) in diameter, with dark violet-red sepals
  • Blooming Period: from July to the end of August
  • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-9

Gravetye Beauty

Clematis Gravetye Beauty
‘Gravitye Beauty’ is a variety of clematis of the Texensis group, characterized by the rich red color of the sepals, which is quite rare in clematis. It is quite cold hardy and thanks to its short pruning it winters well in simple shelters even in the US states with cold winters.

  • Pruning Group: 3
  • Height: 6.6 to 13.1 feet (2 to 4 meters)
  • Flowers: medium-sized, up to 3.5 inches (up to 9 cm) in diameter, with dark red sepals
  • Blooming Period: from July to the end of August
  • USDA Hardiness Zones: 5-9

Cardinal Wyszynski

Clematis Cardinal Wyszynski
‘Cardinal Wyszynski’ is a fairly winter-hardy large-flowered variety with purplish-pink flowers that can burn out in bright sun. It is a good choice for Wisconsin and other northern US states.

  • Pruning Group: 3 (heavy pruning)
  • Height: 8.2 to 9.8 feet (2.5 to 3 meters)
  • Flowers: large, 5.5 to 7.9 inches (14 to 20 cm) in diameter, simple, in a purple-pink color
  • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-9


Clematis Niobe
‘Niobe’ is a variety of clematis with flowers of a rather rare dark red shade. It is unpretentious and quite winter-hardy, can be cut short according to the rules of group 3.

  • Pruning Group: 2 (light pruning)
  • Height: up to 9.8 feet (up to 3 meters)
  • Flowers: large, 5.9 to 6.7 inches (15 to 17 cm) in diameter, simple, with 4-8 dark-red tepals
  • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-9

Purpurea Plena Elegans

Clematis Purpurea Plena ElegansAn old French variety of the clematis from pruning group 3, very hardy and abundantly flowering.

  • Pruning Group: 3;
  • Height: up to 13 feet (4 meters);
  • Flowers: medium-sized, double, raspberry-purple colored;
  • Blooming: from July until the frosts;
  • Frost Resistance Zones: 4-9;

Rouge Cardinal

Clematis Rouge Cardinal
One of the most popular clematis varieties in the UK, USA and many other countries around the world. It is a variety of the third pruning group, relatively winter-hardy, but poorly tolerant of overwatering. It grows slowly at first, but after a couple of years after planting it starts to gain mass very intensively.

  • Height: up to 9.8 feet (up to 3 meters)
  • Flowers: large, 3.9 to 5.9 inches (10 to 15 cm) in diameter, dark-red
  • Blooming Period: from July to September
  • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-9


Clematis Sunset
It is a clematis variety with simple purplish-red flowers, quite heat-loving, in Wisconsin and Michigan conditions its last year’s shoots can not always be saved.

  • Height: 8.2 to 9.8 feet (2.5 to 3 meters)
  • Pruning Group: 2 (light pruning)
  • Flowers: simple, up to 6.7 inches (up to 17 cm) in diameter, purplish-red
  • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-9


Clematis Hania
This is a new Polish variety of clematis with two-colored sepals, relatively low-growing. In South Dakota, Michigan, Minnesota and other states with cold winters, it is difficult to keep its shoots alive until spring.

  • Height: 4.9 to 6.6 feet (1.5 to 2 meters)
  • Pruning Group: 2 (light pruning)
  • Flowers: simple, up to 6.3 inches (up to 16 cm) in diameter, purplish-red with a wide reddish-purple border
  • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-9

Warsaw Nike

Clematis Warsaw NikeClematis ‘Warsaw Nike’ is one of the most interesting clematis varieties of Polish selection. It is unpretentious, abundantly blooming, with very impressive flowers of dark red shade.

  • Pruning Group: 2 (light prune)
  • Height: 7-10 feet (2-3 m)
  • Flowers: single, large, about 4″=5,5″ (10-15 cm), deep-red-purple
  • USDA Zone: 4-9

About the author

Fedor Fironov
Graduate of Plant Protection Faculty at GSAU. Main area of interest – clematis, peonies and perennials of Lamiaceae .

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