Lawn Mower Maintenance Tips

There are several things that go into owning a lawn mower than just maintaining the length of your grass. If you don’t take care of your mower, it will not return the favor and may break down on you. There are essential things you need to take care of while you own your riding lawn mower or walk behind lawn mower.

First, you need to make sure you get a quality mower to begin with. I’d recommend reading up on some expert lawn mower reviews just to help you out. Once you have your purchased your new or used lawn mower, make sure you follow some simple procedures to make sure you get the most out of it over the years. You need to focus on a few simple aspects of the mower and you’ll be fine.

Keeping the motor clean and regular is a must. Make sure you are putting quality new gas in it. Don’t both putting old gas in the tank or else it may gunk up the engine internals. Cleaning those internal parts can really be a challenge so make sure you follow directions right from the start.

You’ll also need to keep the oil clean and regular. Oil is normally a thick caramel color and when it turns dark black is when you want to change it. Usually on your mower you just need to pull the oil drainage plug and you’ll start leaking it out. Plug that hole right back up and fill it with new oil and you’ve just successfully changed your lawn mowers oil.

Keeping up with the engine maintenance is a must, but there are other parts of the mower that are just as important. This means that even electric lawn mowers aren’t free of maintenance concerns. The deck of the lawn mower is simple; it keeps the blade away from harming you and other items. If you flip your lawn mower over, you’ll notice you probably have some built up grass. This can occur over weeks of use or when used while there is wet grass. We recommend you take a straight edge and scrape that gunk out. Doing so can enhance the mowers performance as well as ability to take on taller grass.

Thank you for reading, we also provide cordless drill reviews for those looking to add some items to their tool collection.

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